Lexington Bedsores Lawyer

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Lexington Bedsores Attorney

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When you have to make the tough decision to put a loved one into hospice care or a nursing home, you want to make sure they are being taken care of and are protected. When you find out that they are being abused, it can be a horrifying realization. One way you can tell if they are suffering abuse is if they have bedsores. Bedsores are the result of long-term neglect and are likely indicative of worse treatment. In this case, it is advisable to reach out to a skilled Lexington bedsores lawyer to handle your case. You can contact our legal team at Pleasant Law, PLLC, for a legal consultation.

Choosing to take legal action against a nursing home, assisted living facility, or healthcare professional for causing your loved one to endure bedsores through neglect, or other forms of nursing home abuse, is not going to be easy. You will need an experienced injury lawyer by your side from start to finish. Having someone in your corner who can assist with sudden setbacks and provide you with guidance can make all the difference when you are pursuing justice for someone you care about.

What Exactly Are Bedsores?

Bedsores are the long-term result of neglect and abuse. While they can sometimes be the result of one’s own poor choices, that is simply not the case in a nursing home setting. Nursing home employees are supposed to take care of the patients and ensure that they do not endure such painful injuries as bedsores. Bedsores are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue that occur when the skin is put under constant pressure by not moving around adequately. If neglect is involved in the development of bedsores, it could lead to bedsore lawsuits against the responsible parties.

People who have considerable medical conditions that keep them from moving are often at the highest risk of developing bedsores. When you spend all of your time lying in bed or sitting in a chair, your skin is under a great deal of pressure. That pressure can manifest into bedsores, which can arise after days in the same position or even just in a matter of hours. If you notice signs of bedsores, make sure you change your position to take the pressure off that area of your body.

How Can a Bedsores Lawyer Help?

If you are an elderly or immobile person suffering from neglect or are speaking on behalf of a loved one who is, you are going to want the strongest representation possible when trying to hold a nursing home or healthcare professional liable for causing bedsores. Hiring an experienced bedsores lawyer may be the wisest decision you make throughout this entire ordeal. A good lawyer can help you prove the existence of negligence, which is going to be vital to your case.

An experienced bedsores lawyer can launch their own independent investigation into the circumstances of your case and determine who is at fault for causing your loved one to suffer from bedsores. They can look into medical records, surveillance footage, reports of staff misconduct, and witness statements to build a complete picture of how this happened to your loved one. Assessing bedsores early on can also help identify the severity of the neglect, giving you a stronger foundation for your claim. Above all, a lawyer can provide you with peace of mind that your case is being handled right.

Statute of Limitations

It is not going to be easy to develop a strong case against a nursing home for neglect or elder abuse, and in some cases, the result of neglect can even be nursing home wrongful death. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. A good lawyer can help you build a strong case and hold the right people accountable. Your case may begin with looking into the state of Kentucky’s statute of limitations for personal injury claims, which include cases involving nursing home neglect and/or bedsores. Generally, under the statute, you only have a year to build your case.

For most personal injury cases in Lexington, Kentucky, the state will give you a year from the date you discovered the bedsores to speak with a lawyer, obtain evidence, and file a claim for damages. If you can’t build your case in a year, it likely won’t be considered. Kentucky has strict deadlines on personal injury claims with very few exceptions.

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What Is the Average Payout for a Bedsore Claim?

It is difficult to know what the average payout for a bedsore claim in Kentucky might be. Every bedsore case is different, with every case having its own details and specifics. One bedsore case settlement number may end up very different from yours. The amount you may receive in a settlement will depend on the severity of the injuries and the evidence you have that proves negligence.

Can You Pursue Legal Action for Bedsores in Kentucky?

Yes, you can absolutely pursue legal action for bedsores in Kentucky, provided you are able to prove that the bedsores were the result of negligent behavior from someone who was supposed to be taking care of the victim. If a nursing home or assisted living facility’s neglect of a patient led to the bedsores, you may have a substantial case.

Can You Claim Compensation for Bedsores?

Yes, you can claim compensation for bedsores, as long as they were caused by someone else’s negligent behavior towards you or your loved one. If you can prove that negligence was a contributing factor to the bedsores, you can seek compensation for related medical expenses and pain and suffering.

How Long Does It Take to Settle a Bedsore Case?

There is no telling how long it might take to settle a bedsore case. Every bedsore case is going to be different, with each case having its own circumstances that will affect how long it might take to settle the case. Depending on the details, a bedsore case might be settled in a few months or a few years. It depends on the severity of the bedsores, the evidence that proves negligence, and other contributing factors.

get legal consultation for nursing home bedsores cases

Get Help With Your Nursing Home Bedsores Case

The legal team at Pleasant Law, PLLC can help you hold the right people accountable for causing you or your loved one such serious discomfort and health issues. We can help you build a strong case, gather evidence, and ensure your interests are protected. Contact us to speak about your bedsore case today.

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