The Reality of Abuse and Neglect in PruittHealth Facilities

Thomas Pleasant

There are numerous large nursing home chains across the country. For example, PruittHealth is a large nursing home chain with facilities in approximately 180 locations in several states including North Carolina and many locations across Georgia. Pruitt houses approximately 24,000 patients among all its facilities at any given time, with many individual facilities having as many as 150 beds (patients).

Cases of abuse and neglect happen even in good nursing home chains. The CDC reports that over 643,000 elderly people were brought to the emergency room for non-deadly assault. This number can seem even more distressing in the light that not every case of abuse is reported or taken to the emergency room.

In a case against an Augusta, Georgia PruittHealth was accused of causing:

“(a) a fractured right tibia as a result of a fall that resulted in acute blood loss; (b) skin breakdown, including multiple skin tears and a ruptured hematoma on her left calf that became infected; (c) urinary tract infections ; (d) sepsis; (e) protein-calorie malnutrition ; (f) dehydration; (g) insults to her human dignity; (k) violation of her rights; (1) physical pain and suffering; (m) mental anguish; and (n) … untimely death.”

Skin breakdown can lead to the development of bedsores or pressure ulcers, which can result in death due to infection. Bedsore deaths and injuries are fairly common in nursing facilities. Bedsores or pressure sores occur when a person is left in one position for an extended period of time. This can sometimes be because the person is restrained or unable to move by themselves. The skin cells do not receive enough oxygen, which causes damage to the cell. Bedsores also often lead to infection and sepsis if not properly cleaned and cared for. If a nursing home is properly staffed, and the staff is caring for the people in their facilities, bedsores and pressure sores are usually preventable. Common types of nursing home neglect can contribute to these conditions and should be addressed as soon as possible to ensure the safety and well-being of residents.

Another unfortunate occurrence in nursing facilities is physical abuse. Physical abuse can be described as abuse perpetuated with intent or on accident, sometimes due to subpar training given to staff. The abuse can be caused by other residents, family members, or staff. The CDC publishes information about physical abuse.

In another case against a PruittHealth nursing home in Macon, Georgia, a resident claimed a staff member physically assaulted her and had left her with a black eye. Physical abuse in nursing homes can lead to many serious injuries and even death. Proper training of staff is one way to reduce these numbers.

Evaluating a nursing home case takes experience and skill. Attorney Thomas Pleasant of Pleasant Law, PLLC has over 15 years of experience focused primarily on pursuing justice for the victims of nursing home abuse and neglect. Cases are handled on a contingency fee basis: Pleasant Law does not get paid unless there is a recovery. Also, there is no charge to speak with someone about your case.

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